Hand Painted Game Art?

Sup guy's this is maybe my favorite topic so far, coz today we will talk about the "Hand Painted Texture"...
so, a few week's ago i try to make some models with the hand painted texture on it, and you know what? the texture i made was so terrible cause i'm using mouse to work on texture. well it doesn't matter now, cause i have drawing tab now. and unfortunately my story doesn't have any relation to our topic today.
So what is hand painted style? why it's cool? what kind of game that fit with this style?, well actually the hand painted game style it's self has long time ago we played, or maybe one of our favorite game, you know those game's like Dota, Team Fortess, WOW, Torchlight, and many more. hand painted style makes the different, the unique atmosphere of the game, bring the player the cool sensation of art, and i had some cool video about the art of some game called Firewatch and they using the hand painted game style.
  right so the power of hand painted style has revealed, well why don't we try to practice doing this hand painted stuff, and if you have no inspiration, you can play a game that contain hand painted style, or watch a couple tutorial on Youtube, i'll be honest, i learn so much on youtube, and that's all have a nice day guys..

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